(+1) 732-385-3546 (US)
081-48549748 (India Sales)
080-46801265 (India Support)
62-87750-350-446 (ID)
© 2024 LeadSquared
Easy to use publisher portal to help you capture all the leads gathered via publishers and student inquiries at one place.
Trusted by 400+ educational institutions globally
Get a complete overview of new student prospects, applicant status, the performance of publishers, and more in real-time. Set up permissions for publishers on how they can view your student data. Mask emails and phone details of all the student prospects for individual publishers to ensure zero lead leakage.
Have complete transparency of captured leads from all your sources. Give real-time updates to publishers about admission stages.
Connect and integrate the publisher portal with LeadSquared CRM to nurture, track, and manage the student’s admission and post-admission processes.
Minimise submission of unverified student data with instant verification. Authenticate student data with hassle-free email and OTP verification.
Have a complete view of the performance of your publisher’s performance with thorough reports. Get insights on the number of primary leads pushed, the application stage, the lag in bringing the lead first, and more.
Select from the list of already onboarded publisher websites like, Career360,, and many more. Start capturing leads from these sites instantly.
Can’t find one of the publisher websites you are listed on? Invite and onboard them to engage all your student prospects all in one system.
Create portals and landing pages from pre-built template to get all the details you need from the students. Add tracking URLs to your portal websites to capture the details of the source publisher. Keep track of the application status of students.
Keep track and get real-time updates on all the leads published.
Publishers can have a view of all the institutions that have them mapped on their dashboard. They can manage different dashboards with custom fields relevant to the different institutions.
Publishers can also instantly connect to LeadSquared to push leads. They can make use of APIs to integrate with the publisher portal in minutes.
To maintain complete transparency, publishers can view their performance reports. They will have visibility into the total number of leads pushed, number of unique leads and more.
Publishers can easily manage who in their team has visibility into what leads. This ensures the team can only view and manage leads from institutes assigned to them.
What is a web portal? How can you use it?
A web portal is a website specifically created to get information from all different sources–all at on place. It can help you manage your data better by consolidating all the data in one system.
What is publisher portal?
A publisher portal lets education aggregator sites push student data into your system. It also lets you and the publisher website have a real-time view of the performance reports of the publishers.
Who are the publishers in publisher portals?
Publishers are the third-party education aggregator websites that generate student leads for colleges and universities.
How to capture leads from third-party websites?
Third-party aggregator websites can push data into your system using publisher APIs or portals.
(+1) 732-385-3546 (US)
081-48549748 (India Sales)
080-46801265 (India Support)
62-87750-350-446 (ID)