Enjoy better Customer Relations via– WhatsApp Integration

Over a billion people log-in to WhatsApp each day. Reach out to your customers using the most relied upon messaging service in the world.

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Seamlessly Connect Your WhatsApp Business Account with Leadsquared

Enhance your customer experience

People check WhatsApp messages way more often than emails, texts. Why not improve your customer experience by sending important notifications, like updates (order in transit, flight delays), reminders (flight reminders), etc. on WhatsApp too?

Reach more people

1.3 billion people currently use WhatsApp across the world and 300 million+ in India. Improve your reach and message deliverability across 180 countries by adding WhatsApp to your customer engagement strategy.

Automate responses when needed

Reduce your workload. LeadSquared allows you to send premeditated responses at designated trigger points. Easily send personalized welcome messages, important alerts, etc. Save your team’s efforts and increase productivity at the same time.

Ensure higher conversion rates

Respond better than your competition. Personalized attention will increase trust, increase recurring customers, and help you stay put on your prospect’s minds. WhatsApp Integration with LeadSquared ensures that you do it all from the same interface.

Engage in one-on-one interactions

Integrate to instantly improve your customer’s experience by personally addressing common issues they might be facing. WhatsApp integration allows documents, images, locations, etc. as responses to personal queries.

Organise your chats

With WhatsApp Business integration, sort all your messages into different categories. You will gain better focus, and integrating with LeadSquared lets you see all arranged messages alongside your leads, thereby increasing your efficiency.

Track delivery rates

You only improve at things that you can measure. Using WhatsApp Messaging Stats you can do exactly that. Utilizing Leadsquared Integration you’ll have easy access to messages delivered, read, received and sent – all in one window.

Reduce response time

The key to happier customers is to answer their queries as soon as possible. Using LeadSquared, you’ll not only get notified of all queries coming in but will be able to address them faster. Talk directly to customers from the sales user dashboard.

Store and access templates in LeadSquared

Easily accessible templates help you communicate effectively with little effort. With LeadSquared you can have your templates saved and handily available whenever required.


Send WhatsApp messages directly (with one click)

Your work is now easier and faster to do. In a few clicks have your sales user respond quickly to queries as and when they come in.

Automate your messages

Reduce your efforts and increase your productivity. Send trigger-based pre-designed messages wherever required. Give your customers helpful reminders, booking confirmation and more…automatically.

WhatsApp integration with CRM - select the WhatsApp Client of your choice

Select the WhatsApp Client of your choice

Seamlessly integrate SMS and WhatsApp messaging service provider of your choice with LeadSquared. Start messaging your prospects and customers instantly.

Let’s Give Your Customers a Wholesome Experience