(+1) 732-385-3546 (US)
080-47359453 (India Sales)
080-46801265 (India Support)
62-87750-350-446 (ID)
© 2024 LeadSquared
Attract and recruit applicants more effectively
View submissions and conversions from all your online and offline sources.
Notify your admission team for important events
Know your applicants better by tracking what they do on your website, and how they engage with your newsletters and other marketing campaigns.
Send automated emails or text messages whenever your prospective student takes an important action, like completing the application, viewing the scholarship options etc.
You can also notify your admission team whenever an important action or page views occurs. This helps them reach out to the applicants on time
Automatically send relevant messages to prospective students based on their behavior
Segregate your applicants based on their demographic profiles, activities, interests and any other variable you want. Send them highly-relevant and personalized information throughout the application cycle. You can also perform custom list actions. Ex: Send all the leads in one list to a call center application for automated dialing with one click.
No need of designers or coders. Dozens of templates to get you started
Get complete recruitment insights – lead source performance, campaign performance and more
“LeadSquared saves 20-30% of my time. With a click of a button, I can analyze our marketing campaigns using detailed reports to find out what’s working and what isn’t. In the marketing world, I haven’t seen any other CRM like LeadSquared.”
“LeadSquared has literally changed how we are able to interact not only with each other, but also directly with our potential and existing student base. The ability to streamline communication is such a timesaver on a day-to-day basis.”
(+1) 732-385-3546 (US)
080-47359453 (India Sales)
080-46801265 (India Support)
62-87750-350-446 (ID)