Goodbye guesswork.
Hello sales efficiency!

The end-to-end solution to drive higher productivity for call-center, digital sales, and feet-on-street teams

We’re here to answer all your questions!

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What can LeadSquared do?

  • Increase funnel quality by 50%
  • Ensure zero lead leakage across all channels
  • Build end-to-end sales workflows with zero code
  • Segment your leads for targeted communication
  • Enable omnichannel communication

Get a demo

We’re here to answer all your questions!

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Customers who use LeadSquared report


Lead capture


Increase in sales efficiency


Increase in call center performance

Daily call center efficiency increased by 60%

All the automations running within LeadSquared ensure that all our lead management activities are handled easily. Our daily call center efficiency per agent has increased by 60%. The automation has helped us declutter our sales process as well. We are also able to measure everything much better.

Well thought-out application

The LeadSquared platform is flexible, making the adoption and execution of your existing sales process very simple. We can effectively monitor sales follow-ups and track all offline and online activities. It’s a very well thought-out application and sometimes will surprise you in terms of the things it can deliver.