
Customer service emails are a crucial touchpoint for building trust and fostering loyalty. But with frustrated clients and limited space, how do you craft responses that truly resonate?  

This blog post dives into best practices for crafting effective emails, including templates to get you started! 

Understanding the Basics of Customer Service Emails 

The cornerstones of effective customer service emails are Clarity, Care, and Courtesy

Clarity and concision  

Jargon and overly complex sentences leave customers confused and frustrated.  Use plain language, break down technical details, and ensure your message is easy to understand. Bullet points and numbered lists can be helpful for summarizing key information. 

Addressing needs and concerns 

Put yourself in the customer’s shoes. Read their email carefully and identify their main concern.  Focus your response on resolving that specific issue, acknowledging their frustration, and offering solutions. Don’t send generic responses – personalize your message to show you’ve heard them. 

Setting the right tone and maintaining professionalism 

Even in difficult situations, professionalism is key.  Use a courteous and respectful tone throughout the email. Avoid accusatory language or overly casual slang. Empathy goes a long way – acknowledge their feelings and show you care about their experience. 

By mastering these principles, your customer service emails will transform from sources of frustration to opportunities to build trust and lasting customer relationships. 

In the next section, we’ll discuss how to structure your customer service email to bring home the point while being empathetic towards the customer’s concerns. 

Structuring Your Customer Service Emails 

The four main sections in a customer service email are: 

  1. Subject line 
  2. Greeting and introduction 
  3. Body of the email 
  4. Closing and sign-off 

Here are the best practices to follow to write the effective email. 

Best practices for writing a subject line in a customer service email 

  • Aim for under 50 characters (including spaces) for optimal readability on mobile devices and to avoid getting cut off in inboxes. 
  • Make it clear what the email is about and what benefit the customer gets by opening it. 
  • Use the recipient’s name or tailor the subject line to their past interactions or interests for a more relevant touch. 
  • Skip excessive punctuation, ALL CAPS, misleading information, and overused spam trigger words. 

Best practices for greeting and introduction in an email 

  • Your introduction should be just long enough to greet, introduce, and (if needed) set context. Aim for one or two sentences. 
  • Whenever possible, use the recipient’s name. This creates a more welcoming tone and shows you’ve taken the time to learn about them. 
  • For customer service emails, a simple “Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name” works well. 
  • If the recipient doesn’t know you, briefly introduce yourself and your role. For example, “Hi Sarah, I’m Michael from the [Your Department] team at [Your Company].” 
  • If you’re following up on a previous interaction or referencing a specific topic, include a brief opening to set context. 

Best practices for writing the main contents of a service email 

Start by empathizing with the customer’s frustration or concern. Briefly acknowledge the issue and assure them you’re there to help. 

  • Shift the focus from what went wrong to how you can fix it. Outline clear and actionable steps you’re taking to resolve the problem. 
  • Avoid technical jargon and overly complex sentences. Use plain language, break down technical details if necessary, and ensure your message is easy to understand. Bullet points or numbered lists can be helpful for summarizing key information. 
  • If the issue requires further investigation or resolution won’t be immediate, let the customer know. Set realistic timelines and keep them updated on any progress. 
  • Even in difficult situations, professionalism is key. Use a courteous and respectful tone throughout the email. Avoid accusatory language or overly casual slang. 

Best practices for signing off a customer service email 

  • If there’s a specific next step you’d like the customer to take, briefly mention it in the sign-off. For example, “Please don’t hesitate to reply if you have any further questions.” 
  • Make it easy for the customer to reach you again if needed. Include your name, title (optional), and email address. You can also add your phone number if appropriate for your company’s policy. 
  • Opt for classic closings like “Sincerely,” “Best regards,” or “Thank you.” 

Managing Difficult Situations in Your Customer Service Journey 

When dealing with an angry or upset customer via email, prioritize de-escalation, clarity, and professionalism. Here are some best practices: 

Subject Line: 

  • Clear and Informative: Use a subject line that acknowledges the issue and your intent to help. e.g. “Addressing Your Concerns – [Your Company Name]” 


  • Personalize: Use the customer’s name whenever possible. 
  • Acknowledge the Issue: Thank them for contacting you and briefly summarize the problem. 


  • Empathy First: Validate their feelings with phrases like “I understand your frustration” or “I’m truly sorry to hear you’re upset about…” 
  • Avoid Blame: Shift the focus to solutions. Don’t try to justify or place blame. 
  • Clarity and Conciseness: Use plain language, explain solutions clearly, and avoid jargon. 
  • Offer Options: If possible, present multiple solutions and let them choose the best fit. 
  • Set Expectations: If resolving the issue takes time, be upfront. Set a realistic timeframe and keep them updated. 


  • Professional Tone: Maintain a courteous and respectful tone throughout the email. 
  • Offer Further Assistance: Reiterate your availability to help and provide your contact information. 
  • Consider a Goodwill Gesture: Depending on the situation, offer a discount, expedited shipping, or another small token of apology. 
  • Call to Action (Optional): If appropriate, suggest a next step for them, like replying with their preferred solution. 

Bonus Tips: 

  • Proofread Carefully: Avoid typos or grammatical errors that might seem unprofessional. 
  • Take a Deep Breath: If the email gets heated, consider responding later after calming down. 
  • Offer to Move Offline: In extreme cases, suggest a phone call for faster resolution and a more personal touch. 

By following these practices, your emails can effectively deal with angry customers, calm them down, and work towards a positive resolution. 

We also have a few ready to use customer service email templates for your perusal.  

10 Free Customer Service Email Templates 

1. Customer Service Email Template: Acknowledging a Customer Inquiry 

Subject: Re: Your Inquiry – [Your Company Name] 

Dear [Customer Name], 

Thanks for reaching out! We received your message about [briefly mention topic]. We appreciate your patience and will respond with more details within [timeframe]. 

In the meantime, you can check our [relevant resource] for [helpful information]. 

Best regards, 

The [Your Company Name] Team 

2. Customer Service Email Template: Apologizing for a Mistake or Delay 

Subject: Our Apologies for the [Mistake/Delay] – [Your Company Name] 

Dear [Customer Name], 

We sincerely apologize for the [mistake/delay] with your [order/service]. We understand this is frustrating and take full responsibility. 

We’re working diligently to [fix the mistake/expedite the delivery] and expect it resolved by [date]. 

As a token of apology, we’d like to offer you [discount/compensation]. 

Thank you for your patience and understanding. 


The [Your Company Name] Team 

3. Customer Service Email Template: Providing a Refund or Compensation 

Subject: Your Refund for [Order number/Reason] – [Your Company Name] 

Dear [Customer Name], 

We’ve processed a full refund for your [order number/reason for refund]. The funds should be reflected in your account within [timeframe]. 

We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding. 

[Optional: Briefly offer a solution or compensation, e.g., “We’d love for you to give us another try. Use code WELCOME10 for 10% off your next purchase.”] 


The [Your Company Name] Team 

4. Customer Service Email Template: Resolving a Product or Service Issue 

Subject: Resolved: Your [Issue] with [Product/Service] – [Your Company Name] 

Dear [Customer Name], 

We’re happy to let you know we’ve resolved the issue with your [product/service] regarding [brief issue description]. 

[Briefly explain the solution, e.g., “We’ve replaced your damaged item” or “The bug you reported has been fixed.”] 

If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to reply. 


The [Your Company Name] Team 

5. Customer Service Email Template: Handling a Difficult Customer 

Subject: Addressing Your Concerns – [Your Company Name] 

Dear [Customer Name], 

Thank you for contacting us. We understand your frustration with [issue]. We’d like to offer a solution that works for you. 

Would you prefer [solution option 1] or [solution option 2]? 

Please reply or call us at [phone number] to discuss further. 


The [Your Company Name] Team 

6. Customer Service Email Template: Requesting Additional Information 

Subject: Additional Information Needed – [Your Company Name] 

Dear [Customer Name], 

Thank you for contacting us about [briefly mention topic]. To assist you further, we’ll need some additional information. 

Could you please provide [specific details needed]? The more details you can share, the better we can understand your situation and offer a solution. 

In the meantime, you can check our [relevant resource] for [helpful information]. 

We look forward to hearing from you soon. 


The [Your Company Name] Team 

7. Customer Service Email Template: Following Up on a Previous Conversation 

Subject: Following Up: Your Inquiry About [Topic] – [Your Company Name] 

Dear [Customer Name], 

We’re checking in on your inquiry regarding [briefly mention topic] from [date]. 

Did you have a chance to review the information we provided?  If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, please don’t hesitate to reply. 


The [Your Company Name] Team 

8. Customer Service Email Template: Offering Technical Support 

Subject: Ready to Assist! Technical Support for [Issue] – [Your Company Name] 

Dear [Customer Name], 

We received your request for help with [issue]. Our technical support team is here to assist! 

You can find helpful resources like troubleshooting guides or FAQs on our website: [link to relevant resource]. 

If you need further assistance, feel free to reply to this email or call us at [phone number] for personalized support. 

Best regards, 

The [Your Company Name] Team 

9. Customer Service Email Template: Thanking a Customer for Their Feedback 

Subject: Thanks for Your Feedback – [Your Company Name] 

Dear [Customer Name], 

Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback about [mention what they provided feedback on]. We appreciate your insights and will use them to improve our [product/service]. 

Your feedback is valuable to us. If you have any further questions or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. 


The [Your Company Name] Team 

10. Customer Service Email Template: Closing an Interaction on a Positive Note 

Subject: We’re Glad We Could Help! – [Your Company Name] 

Dear [Customer Name], 

We’re happy to hear we could resolve your inquiry about [briefly mention topic]. 

Is there anything else we can assist you with today? 

If not, thanks for contacting [Your Company Name]. We appreciate your business! 


The [Your Company Name] Team 

In Conclusion: Keep Track of Your Interactions with Customers 

Imagine a customer calls twice with the same problem. Frustrating, right? Tracking interactions prevents that. It’s like a customer service team’s memory bank. By seeing past emails, chats, or calls, you can: 

1. Respond faster with personalized solutions. 

2. Avoid asking for repetitive information, smoothing the experience. 

3. Identify recurring issues and implement improvements, preventing future problems. 

If you’re frustrated by juggling customer emails, chats, and calls, we’ve just the right solution for you.  

That’s LeadSquared’s Service CRM

In one platform, you can track every interaction, personalize responses instantly, and identify trends to improve service.   

It’s your go to solution to boost efficiency and win happy customers. 

More in this series:  

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