
Social media lead generation and marketing can easily be compared to a bottomless well. No matter how much we marketers try to hit the bottom, the rope just keeps falling short. Innovation keeps on happening and just when you think you got it figured out, a Snapchat jumps in and shakes up the scene. But yet, we can all agree that we must foray into these unavoidable waters, to make our marketing efforts successful.

In a bid to make this easier, Rishabh Dev, the Managing Director at Mapplinks and Mapplinks Academy, conducted a webinar with us on the topic in late January.

View the webinar presentation

During the webinar, he gave us some easy growth hacks to help you generate leads on various social media platforms. Guess what the good part is – you don’t have to spend a dime to know what that is!

Here is a summary of the webinar in an easy-to-understand infographic.

If you liked the ‘social media lead generation’ infographic by Rishabh, you might like this post he wrote on Facebook lead generation. You can also check out the other marketing webinars and marketing blog posts on the LeadSquared blog.

Do you have a topic you want us to conduct a webinar on? Just let us know in the comments below!

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