65 Best ChatGPT Prompts for Marketing 

Imagine you’re a marketing expert tasked with devising a creative campaign for a new product. You’re staring at a blank screen, desperately seeking the muse that has gone on vacation without leaving a forwarding address.  

Fear not, simply toss in a prompt into ChatGPT like, “Craft me a marketing masterpiece that’ll make this product the talk of the digital town,” and watch as ChatGPT conjures copy so compelling your product practically sells itself! 
But writing effective ChatGPT prompts to get desired results is an art in itself, or so it seems. In order to help you counter this problem, we have curated a list of ChatGPT prompts for marketing that will help you write better content.   

ChatGPT Prompts for Marketing 

Have you ever found yourself in a creative rut while brainstorming ideas for your business? Embracing the capabilities of ChatGPT – an AI tool could offer valuable support. Discover how integrating ChatGPT with your LinkedIn strategies could be the secret sauce to a successful business.   

ChatGPT prompts to generate ideas for LinkedIn Posts

Leverage ChatGPT to brainstorm compelling LinkedIn post ideas that resonate with your audience. These chatgpt prompts for marketers can help you explore various angles for your content. 

  1. Give me 10 ideas for LinkedIn posts for a [role/topic] serving [niche/industry].

For example: Give me 5 ideas for LinkedIn posts for patient relationship management serving the healthcare industry.  

ChatGPT prompts to generate ideas for LinkedIn Posts

2. Generate 10 different angles for LinkedIn posts to share information about [topic]

3. Tell me 5 ideas for LinkedIn posts that can help me demonstrate my expertise in [industry or topic] and provide valuable information to [target audience].  

Having great content is only half the battle won. The other half lies in effectively promoting and distributing your content.

ChatGPT can assist you in drafting engaging LinkedIn captions that pique interest, encourage sharing, and drive traffic to your website or landing page.

These captions can be tailored to suit different types of posts, from articles to images and videos, making your LinkedIn feed a compelling channel for business growth.

ChatGPT prompts for social media marketers to write LinkedIn posts

Crafting captivating LinkedIn posts can be a breeze with ChatGPT. Use these prompts to outline engaging narratives, share industry insights, or pose thought-provoking questions to your connections. 

4. Write a long-form post about [topic] for a LinkedIn group for [niche].

For example: Write a long form post about automating debt collection for a LinkedIn group for the lending sector.   

ChatGPT prompts for social media marketers to write LinkedIn posts

5. Brainstorm 10 ways I can use LinkedIn groups to promote my [type of business/specific requirement] for [niche].

For example: Brainstorm 10 ways I can use LinkedIn groups to promote my effective student journey in the Education Industry.

ChatGPT prompts for social media marketers to write LinkedIn posts

6. Can you write posts for LinkedIn groups on [fill in the topic] that will engage members and spark conversation? 

For example: Can you write posts for LinkedIn groups on [real-estate marketing strategies] that will engage members and spark conversation?


7. I need help creating content [posts/blogs/etc.] for LinkedIn groups that speak to professionals in [fill in the industry]. Can you assist me with that?

8. Can you generate posts for LinkedIn groups that will position me as an authority in [fill in the field] and attract potential clients?

9. I’m looking for help with writing posts for LinkedIn groups that will drive traffic to my website and increase my brand awareness. Can you write them for me?

10. Can you create thought-provoking posts for LinkedIn groups that will challenge members to think differently about [fill in the topic]?

For example: Can you create thought-provoking posts for LinkedIn groups that will challenge members to think differently about [automotive industry]?  

ChatGPT prompts for social media marketers to write LinkedIn posts

11. I need help writing posts for LinkedIn groups that are informative and educational and that will help me establish myself as a thought leader in [fill in the field].

12. Can you write posts for LinkedIn groups that will address common pain points in [fill in the industry] and offer solutions that members will find valuable?

13. I’m looking for help with writing posts for LinkedIn groups that are concise and impactful and that will grab the attention of busy professionals.

14. Can you generate posts for LinkedIn groups that will showcase my expertise in [fill in the field] and highlight the benefits of working with me?

LinkedIn ads offer a targeted approach to reaching professionals in your industry. ChatGPT can generate attention-grabbing ad copies that highlight your product or service’s unique selling points.

By providing key details about your offering and your target audience, you can receive ad copy options that compel viewers to take action, such as signing up for a webinar or exploring your product further.

Below given are a few examples of how you can create better ad copies for your business:

ChatGPT prompts for marketers to generate LinkedIn Ad copies

15. Write me 3 LinkedIn ad copies based on this landing page: [Copy and paste the landing page text].

For example: Write me 3 LinkedIn ad copies based on this landing page: [https://www.leadsquared.com/career-school-admissions-automation/].

ChatGPT prompts for marketers to generate LinkedIn Ad copies

16. Can you provide examples of effective ad copy to promote [topic/product] to [audience]? Make sure they are [persuasive/playful/emotional] and mention these benefits:  

  • [Benefit 1]  
  • [Benefit 2]  
  • [Benefit 3]  

17. Finish with a call to action saying [CTA]. Add 3 emojis to it. 

18. I am creating an ad campaign for LinkedIn to promote [topic/product] for [industry/niche]. Please write 3 copies that will grab the attention of potential customers and persuade them to purchase.  

Hashtags are the connective tissue of social media. They help increase the discoverability of your posts and expand your reach.  

ChatGPT can suggest relevant hashtags based on your content, industry, and target audience, ensuring your posts reach the right eyes and ears.  

Here are a few ChatGPT prompts for LinkedIn marketers, showcasing how to use a hashtag optimally.  

ChatGPT prompts to generate LinkedIn Hashtags

19. Can you suggest some relevant LinkedIn hashtags for a post about [topic/industry]?  

20. Can you generate some effective hashtags for my LinkedIn post promoting my [fill in the product/service]?  

21. I need some niche-specific hashtags for my LinkedIn post about [fill in the topic]. Can you suggest some?  

22. Can you recommend some trending hashtags to use in my LinkedIn post about [fill in the topic]?  

23. I need some hashtags to reach a wider audience for my LinkedIn post promoting my [fill in the product/service]. Can you suggest some?  

24. I want to increase the visibility of my LinkedIn post about [fill in the topic]. Can you recommend some effective hashtags to use?  

Email marketing remains an integral part of any comprehensive marketing strategy.  

ChatGPT can assist you in drafting engaging and personalized email subject lines and body content that entice readers to open, read, and click through.  

Whether you’re sending out newsletters, product updates, promotional offers, or webinar invitations, ChatGPT can help you craft emails that drive conversions.  
Let us have a look at a few ways you can leverage email marketing as well.  

ChatGPT prompts for email marketing

Email marketing remains a powerful tool for customer engagement. Utilize ChatGPT prompts for email marketers to draft persuasive email subject lines, compelling body text, and enticing CTAs. 

Event and Webinar Invitations: 

25. Create compelling email invitations for [B2B/B2C] [webinars, seminars, or conferences], highlighting the value attendees will gain. 

Nurturing Email Sequences: 

26. Develop a series of nurturing emails to guide [B2B/B2C] leads through the sales funnel, addressing their concerns and providing the information they need at each stage. 

For example: Develop a series of nurturing emails to guide CRM leads through the sales funnel, addressing their concerns about lead leakage and providing the information they need at each stage. 

ChatGPT prompts for email- marketing

27. Draft an email to invite [B2B/B2C] recipients to an upcoming webinar where [Industry] experts will share valuable insights and strategies to navigate challenges. 

For example: Draft an email to invite [B2B/B2C] recipients to an upcoming webinar where [healthcare] experts will share valuable insights and strategies to navigate challenges.

ChatGPT prompts for email marketing


ChatGPT can serve as your AI-powered copywriting assistant, helping you fine-tune your copy for clarity, coherence, and conciseness. It can suggest alternative phrases, identify the best suited tone, restructure sentences, and ensure that your message is effectively conveyed to your audience. It can also help you effectively incorporate various writing style frameworks.  
We shall have a look at a few of these examples in detail below. 

Using ChatGPT as a Copywriting Assistant  

Not satisfied with your current website copy, social media posts, or marketing materials? ChatGPT prompts can help you enhance your existing content by suggesting improvements, refining your messaging, and injecting creativity into your copy. 

ChatGPT prompts for content marketers to improve Your Existing Copy  

You can also use ChatGPT to revitalize lackluster content, enhance readability, coherence, and persuasion in your copy by refining it with its suggestions.  

28. Make this text more persuasive: [copy and paste text].  

29. Make this text connect more to the reader: [copy and paste text].  

30. Rewrite this text going deeper on the pain points and desires of a potential customer: [copy and paste text].  

31. Rewrite this text using the AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire and Action) copywriting formula: [copy and paste text].  

32. Rewrite this text using the PAS (Pain/Problem, Agitate, Solution) copywriting formula: [copy and paste text].  

33. How can I improve my headlines to make them more attention-grabbing?  

34. Can you help me simplify my writing and make it more accessible to my target audience?  

35. What are some common mistakes that I should avoid in my copywriting?  

36. Can you suggest some tools or resources that I can use to improve my copywriting skills?  

37. How can I use storytelling techniques to make my copy more memorable?  

38. Can you provide feedback on a specific piece of copy that I’ve written and suggest ways to improve it?  

39. How can I use data and research to make my copy more effective?  

40. Can you help me create a clear and compelling call-to-action in my copy? 

ChatGPT prompts for content marketers can also help you find the voice that would be a perfect fit for your product and business. 

ChatGPT prompts to identify Your Unique Brand Voice 

Your brand voice sets you apart. Use ChatGPT prompts for content marketers to experiment with different tones, styles, and language to find the voice that resonates best with your audience. 

41. Analyze the following text for tone of voice and style. Apply that exact style and tone of voice to all your future responses. 

42. Add more [humor/statistics/shorter sentences/questions/playfulness].  

43. List the adjectives you would use to describe the tone of voice and style of this text: [copy and paste text]  

44. Apply that exact style and tone of voice to write [new text].  

45. What are the key characteristics of this writing style: [copy and paste a text].  

46. [copy and paste a text]. How does my writing style compare to other writers in my niche or industry?  

47. What emotions or feelings does this writing tend to evoke in readers? [copy and paste a text].  

48. What are some strengths and weaknesses of this writing style, and how can I improve? [copy and paste a text].  

49. How can I adapt this writing style for different audiences or purposes? [copy and paste a text].  

50. Can you suggest ways to make this text more distinctive and memorable? [copy and paste a text].  

If you’re looking to push the boundaries of your creativity, ChatGPT can provide advanced copywriting prompts that challenge you to think outside the box.  

These prompts can also be incorporated with different writing styles that lead to innovative ideas for campaigns, product launches, and brand collaborations. 

Writing Advanced Copywriting Prompts for ChatGPT  

51. Using the PAS (Pain/Problem, Agitate, Solution) copywriting formula, create a 500-word landing page that persuades potential buyers to purchase [product]. Use scarcity by saying you only have 3 units left and include a short story about how one client went from [state a] to [state b].  

52. Use the 5 Basic Objections framework to write a [content type] for [product] that helps [ideal client] achieve [desired outcome]. Address these common objections of a potential customer:  

  • [Objection 1]  
  • [Objection 2]  
  • [Objection 3]  
  • [Objection 4]  
  • [Objection 5]  

53. Finish by listing all the negative consequences of not taking action now.  

For Example: Use the 5 Basic Objections framework to write an [email] for [CRM] that helps [CEOs] achieve [Increased ROI]. Address these common objections of a potential customer:  

  • [I don’t have enough time.]  
  • [I don’t have enough money.]  
  • [It won’t work for me.]  
  • [I don’t believe you.]  
  • [I don’t need it.]  
  • Finish by listing all the negative consequences of not taking action now. 
Writing Advanced Copywriting Prompts for ChatGPT  

54. Write a 5-step soap opera email sequence about how attending [event] will change [ideal customer] life. Include these benefits:  

  • These are the benefits
    • [Benefit 1]
    • [Benefit 2]
    • [Benefit 3]
  • These pain points:  
    • [Pain point 1]  
    • [Pain point 2]  
    • [Pain point 3]  
  • And these testimonials:  
    • [Testimonial 1]  
    • [Testimonial 2]  
    • [Testimonial 3]  

For example: Write a 5-step soap opera email sequence about how attending [insurance exchange] will change [thought leaders’] life. Include these benefits: 

Writing Advanced Copywriting Prompts for ChatGPT  

55. Increase the urgency of signing up for the [event] progressively, starting with very little on email 1 and a lot on email 5. On email 5, include a final guarantee saying that if they attend, you will give them [bonus].  

56. Use the AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire and Action) copywriting framework to grab the attention of [ideal customer] and persuade them to [call to action]. Start with a question to get their attention, present statistics that show how bad [problem] is, state these 3 benefits about our product [benefit 1], [benefit 2], benefit 3], and ask for [call to action].  

57. Write a webinar script using the ‘PASTOR’ framework to address the pain points of [ideal customer] and present my [product] as the solution. Identify the problem they are facing, amplify the consequences of not solving it, tell this story related to the problem [story], include these testimonials from happy customers [testimonials], present our offer, and ask for a purchase.  

Even the most meticulous writers can miss errors in their copy. ChatGPT can assist you in proofreading your content, catching grammatical mistakes, typos, and inconsistencies that might have slipped through the cracks. 

ChatGPT prompts to proofread Your Copy  

58. Find and correct the typos in this text: [copy and paste text].  

59. Tell me if there are typos or grammatical errors in this text: [copy and paste text]. Proofread this copy: [copy and paste text].  

60. Fact-check the data in this text: [copy and paste text].  

61. Suggest reliable sources to back up the claims in this text: [copy and paste text]. 

ChatGPT can provide you with content creation frameworks and templates that streamline your writing process. Whether you’re crafting blog posts, social media updates, or marketing materials, these frameworks can serve as a foundation for your creative endeavors. 

How to use ChatGPT for Content Creation 

Achieving Goals with a [How-To] Framework  

62. I want you to act as an expert in content creation and marketing specializing in [how-to formats]. My first suggestion is to write a marketing campaign outline using the [‘How-To’] framework to provide step-by-step instructions on how to complete a specific task or achieve a particular goal for an ideal customer persona. Include clear and concise steps and any necessary resources or tools.  

Answering Questions with a Question-Answer Framework  

63. I want you to act as an expert in content creation and marketing specializing in question answer formats. My first suggestion is to write a marketing campaign outline using the ‘Question-Answer’ framework to start with a question relevant to the ideal customer persona and provide a thorough and informative answer. Explain the importance of the question and why it matters to the reader.  

Attracting Customers with a Marketing Funnel  

64. I want you to act as an expert in content creation and marketing funnels, specializing in the Marketing Funnel framework. My first suggestion request is to write a marketing campaign outline that targets [awareness/consideration/conversion] stage of the customer journey and aligns with the goals of each stage. Highlight the [features] of our [product/service] and explain how it can [solve a problem] or [achieve a goal] for [ideal customer persona].  

For example: 

I want you to act as an expert in content creation and marketing funnels, specializing in the Marketing Funnel framework. My first suggestion request is to write a marketing campaign outline that targets the awareness, consideration, and conversion stage of the customer journey and aligns with the goals of each stage. Highlight the features of our education CRM and explain how it can increase student admissions for colleges. 

How to use ChatGPT for Content Creation 

Busting Myths with a Myth-Busting Framework  

65. I want you to act as an expert in content creation and marketing specializing in busting myths. My first suggestion is to use the ‘Myth-Busting’ framework to write a marketing campaign outline that identifies and debunks common misconceptions or myths about our product or service.  

Let’s Wrap It UP 

Incorporating ChatGPT prompts for marketing and business strategies can revolutionize the way you create content, connect with your audience, and promote your brand. By leveraging its capabilities to generate ideas, improve your copy, and enhance your online presence, you can position your business for sustained growth in today’s competitive market.  

So why wait? Embrace the power of ChatGPT prompts and take your business to new heights! 


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