Shibani is in a fix. She sends out dozens of emails about webinars regularly. But, because her audience are so used to getting mails from her, they don’t click on them anymore! That is, her click through rate (CTR) was decreasing!
The last time she sent out an email regarding webinar registration, she noticed that the CTR had dropped by a solid 2.8%. A rather worrying number to ignore!
Sending out even more emails, reiterating the same topic was not an option (as it would only lead to more email ennui).
How then to increase the CTR?
Well, by making the emails even more personalized of course! She had this simple idea: segment the audience based on different criteria and then send each category a custom message. In short, targeted email marketing!

Here is what she did:
a) List 1
Who are on this list?
All leads who have opened the email, clicked on the registration link and then actually signed up for the webinar.
Action taken
Send out a “Thank you for registering” email, along with a reminder mail detailing the date and time of the webinar.
b) List 2
Who are on the list?
All leads who have opened the email and clicked on the registration link, but haven’t signed up for the webinar.
Action taken
Send out a “Did something go wrong?” email, inquiring why the lead has not signed up for the session and if anything can be done from our end to facilitate the same.
c) List 3
Who are on the list?
All leads who opened the email but did not click on the link (and so obviously did not sign up).
Action taken
Send out an email reminding them that they have yet to sign up!
d) List 4
Who are on the list?
All leads who did not even open the initial email.
Action taken
No, the same email wasn’t re sent! A custom email asking “what topic would you be interested in attending?” email was sent out.
The email CTR increased by a solid 3% ! And that is not all, the webinar sign-ups went up too! Our final number was 42% more than the prior sessions, a lot of which happened immediately after sending out the custom emails.
The learning here is not about increased sign -ups. For frankly, when social media marketing and referral marketing are done right, you can eventually end up with an increased number of registrations! Rather, the take-away is all about getting the best results from your existing subscriber list.
A simple way to do that is by sending them tailor-made content that is directly relevant to them – highly targeted email marketing that would be of definite interest to your subscriber! So divide your subscribers into various lists (with LeadSquared, list segmentation is easy) and then send them all separate emails.
Remember, the email is still your most powerful tool – it is practically a foot inside your cutomer’s door. The more relevant and better targeted it is, higher are your chances of being invited inside (as in, getting your email read!).
If you are looking for more email-marketing tips, you can check this post.
Your Turn
What do you think? I am sure you have faced a similar roadblock! How did you combat it? What results did you get? Well, cant wait to hear what you have to say – leave me a comment and let me know!