Best QuizSurvey Tools to Engage Leads

Lead Generation takes a lot of time, effort and money. But as marketers, our job doesn’t just end with lead generation. We need to engage and nurture leads till they are ready to buy our service or product.

We all know that content is the foundation to keep our leads engaged, and that the content needs to be educative and entertaining. Surveys & Quizzes is one such type of content, which can create strong engagement with the audience. We all love our games, don’t we!  Designed properly, surveys & quizzes on our website can bring back a lot of audience.  In addition to engagement, they also enable us to get valuable feedback on pertinent issues.

So far, we have discussed multiple paid methods of lead generation, including lead generation websites, Google Ads, and Facebook Ads. However, leveraging your website and blog content, can also help you get some good leads organically. In this article, we have listed some free or low cost tools to quickly create quizzes and surveys.

1) SurveyMonkey

Quiz/Survey Tools

Often considered the undisputed leader, SurveyMonkey provides basic, but quality service to ensure complete accuracy of results in conducting surveys. Add-ons help maximize accuracy and efficiency.


Real-time tracking and reporting: SurveyMonkey permits you to keep a tag of your users through its real-time charts and graphs. This way you can monitor how well your survey is doing.
Code generation for pop-up windows: Pop-up windows help generate unexpected leads. For instance, you could embed the pop-up window code on site (having similar content as your survey) and ask visitors to take the quiz.
Skip logic: Skip logic enables you to branch questions and direct the user to another question based on the response of the previous question. This helps to keep a set pattern which keeps the user engaged.
Provision of multiple surveys types: Apart from the regular surveys carried out, you can also try Facebook and Telephones Surveys.

The basic version is ideal for small surveys since it only offers minimal customization of themes. However, you are allowed only 15 different question types, limited number of templates, and no downloads of reports in the free plan. Per free survey, up to 100 responses can be collected from 10 questions.

When it comes to collecting responses, SurveyMonkey provides numerous options. Apart from the usual short code that can be embedded on your website, it also generates codes for pop-up windows.


Cons of TypePad as a Blogging PlatformLimitations: You cannot create quizzes and you have limitations in the free plan.
Cons of TypePad as a Blogging PlatformUnless you are looking to carry out a survey on a small scale, the free plan is not ideal for you. 

2) Google Forms

Quiz/Survey tools

Google Forms are particularly helpful if you want all your data to be recorded and available on a spreadsheet. However, the best part about Google Forms is that among the free quiz/survey tools, it is absolutely free and extremely helpful if you want to analyze large amounts of data.

This is your best bet if are conducting a survey on a small-scale and looking to analyze them quickly. Although, Google Forms only offers six types of questions, you can add features like branching questions and skip logic. Space is never an issue with this tool. You can create unlimited number of surveys and store over 1000 responses.


Completely free: It is completely free with no costs at all.
Availability of spreadsheets: Data is recorded and available on a spreadsheet
Branching questions: This feature helps to branch questions. In other words, depending on the answer to the previous question, new questions are automatically generated to provide a set pattern to the survey or quiz.
Skip logic: Based on the question or Page Logic, the respondent is directed through various paths in the survey. This helps to keep the respondent engaged, depending on response to the previous question.

You can embed the survey onto posts or sites, share survey links, or email it. You can also choose from a wide variety of themes, and analyze your data in various ways.


Cons of TypePad as a Blogging PlatformNot a quiz tool: With Google Forms, you can only create surveys and online forms. You cannot create quizzes.
Cons of TypePad as a Blogging PlatformOnly six question types: A range of only six types of questions may not work for everyone.

 3) SurveyGizmo

Quiz/Survey tools

SurveyGizmo, seems to attract customers because of its affordable range of packages. It also has a free version and low-cost one ($19/month) that offers up to 1000 responses and some advanced features.

Additional Features: 

  • SurveyGizmo can be integrated into blogs, websites and other applications. It can also be integrated with
  • SurveyGizmo also provides a Dashboard which allows you to look at all the surveys at a glance. Other information includes map of current surveys and those in process, rate and satisfaction chart, and a daily response.


Customization features: Surveys can be customized.
Can add media: Images and video can be embedded.
Schedule survey reports: You can schedule your survey report and run it at a specific time or day.
Password Protection: You can protect your reports by setting a password. This enables just you or authorized members to look at the reports or results.

You can choose from 23 different question types and create unlimited number of surveys. The response limit is 250 per survey. If you opt for the more costly packages, you can avail other features like randomize questions, pages, skip logic, etc.


Cons of TypePad as a Blogging PlatformYou cannot create quizzes.
Cons of TypePad as a Blogging PlatformIf you want more than 250 responses, you have to go for an upgrade. 

 4) WP Survey and Quiz Tool

Quiz/Survey tools

The WP Survey and Quiz Tool offers a poll function, in addition to quizzes and surveys. It offers creation of unlimited quizzes, unlimited sections, auto-marking services, and multiple choice questions.


Poll function: Apart from quizzes and surveys, you can also create polls to verify statistics.
Limitation of entries to one submission per IP address: This prevents you from being spammed. It also preserves authenticity since only one person can take the quiz, poll, or survey from that particular IP address.
Customized notification emails: You could customize your mails before notifying the users about their result.
Provision of PDF CertificatesThis feature is specifically beneficial to students since they are assured of a certificate after taking the quiz (this of course is applicable if you have opted for that option).

The WP Survey and Quiz Tool also permits you to customize contact forms (which are not mandatory), and export the results of quizzes.


Cons of TypePad as a Blogging PlatformWP Survey and Quiz Tool can only be used on WordPress websites: If you do not have a Word Press account, it probably won’t be of any use to you.

 5) ProProfs

ProProfs is one of the leading quiz/survey tools amongst marketers and educators alike. You can create quizzes, surveys and polls. It has advanced features and can be plugged in to create hard-copy exams. There are premium versions available which are mainly used by educational institutions or by those who are looking to create large-scale quizzes or surveys.


Allows creation of unlimited quizzes and surveys for free.
Provides an e-commerce platform: This enables you to generate revenue via an e-learning material.
Track reports: You have the option of tracking your quiz and survey statistics.

Those who pay for the premium version can add images, videos, articles, documents and even PowerPoint presentations to quizzes. Other advanced features include quiz tracker and quiz analytics.


Cons of TypePad as a Blogging PlatformBasic version includes advertisements: One of the main drawbacks of ProProfs is that, since the basic version is free, it includes advertisements which may put off those undertaking the quiz or survey.

 6) mTouch Quiz Plugin

quiz/survey tools

mTouchQuiz Plugin is one of the most user-friendly quiz tools available. You can use it to:

  • Engage your website visitors: Using the plugin, you can create multiple quizzes for your WordPress website.
  • Capture Leads: You can capture the details of the quiz-takers by integrating the plugin with Gravity Forms or Contact Form 7. This feature of the plugin is premium. Having captured their details you can send the quiz-takers their results as well.


 You can create unlimited quizzes using mTouch.
 Allows you to capture leads: Using Premium add-ons for Gravity Forms ‘or’ Contact Form 7.
 It doesn’t weigh your site down: It is one of the most lightweight quiz tools we have come across. You can have multiple quizzes on your website, without worrying about the loading time.
 Designed for mobility: It is a responsive plugin, so you don’t have to worry about it breaking your responsive website.
 Very easy to Create Quizzes. It is almost like creating a simple WordPress blog post. Multiple options available for Creating Quizzes.

mTouchQuiz allows you to try many things while creating quizzes:

  • You could provide hints
  • Give explanation for answers
  • Allow the user multiple tries if they fail on the first attempt
  • Customize the opening and concluding screens
  • Add images and videos to your quiz

If you purchase upgrades, you are entitled to additional features like emailing results or having a countdown clock.


Cons of TypePad as a Blogging PlatformOnly built for WordPress websites: mTouchQuiz short code can only be embedded on a WordPress page.
Cons of TypePad as a Blogging PlatformYou cannot use it for surveys.
Cons of TypePad as a Blogging PlatformYou cannot send the quiz as an email: However, you can of course send a link to the quiz in the email.
Cons of TypePad as a Blogging PlatformOnly Premium Options allow you to capture the details of quiz-takers.

7) Visme

Visme form builder is a powerful and versatile tool which can help in building single-step lead generation forms and multi-step surveys as well. The best part about Visme is that it’s a drag and drop solution for form building where you can use pre-built templates that suit your needs.


Multiple pre-build templates are available for any user case and provide you with an ability to make your own customisable version as well.
Easy to use Drag and drop design tool for non-coders and non-designers.
Business centric tool as it allows you to match your business style due to its ability to provide customizable fonts, colors, etc.
Ability to access, export and track all the essential stats

You can add the form/survey in your landing page or any other part of your site as per your requirement using the embed code or if you are looking to send it through email you can send it using a link.


Advanced features are only available in paid version: The Free version provides a storage of 100 MB, once you reach the limit you can delete your old data.

8) Zonka Feedback

Zonka Feedback isn’t just a survey tool; it’s a lead capture and nurturing platform that helps you gather valuable customer data through interactive quizzes and surveys.


Engaging quiz and survey builder: Create visually appealing quizzes and surveys with ease, using a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface.
Real-time & Advanced data analytics: Gain actionable insights in real-time from your survey data to refine your lead nurturing strategy and improve customer engagement.
Seamless integrations: Connect Zonka Feedback with your existing CRM, marketing automation, and other business tools.
Flexible pricing: Choose a plan that fits your needs and budget, with both free and paid options available.
Variety of templates & question types: Choose from multiple ready-to-use templates and question types, including CSAT, NPS, CES, multiple-choice, Likert scale, open-ended, and more.
Survey Logic & branching: Tailor the survey experience to each respondent based on their answers.

You can easily use the survey software to collect feedback via survey channels like in-product, in-website, emails, offline, SMS, kiosks, survey apps for iOS and Android, and much more.


Cons of TypePad as a Blogging PlatformThe learning curve can be greater if you are looking for a basic quiz creation tool.
Cons of TypePad as a Blogging PlatformThe free plan and trial have limited features.

9) SurveySparrow

SurveySparrow Logo

SurveySparrow is an excellent tool for lead generation if you’re looking to reach out to a larger audience. It not only simplifies data collection but also amplifies engagement through its conversational interface. 

Whether you are a market researcher seeking insights or a business pursuing customer feedback, SurveySparrow stands out as an efficient solution in the industry. The tool offers a vast selection of question types and customization options, allowing you to tailor each survey according to the specific needs of your audience. 

With features like conditional logic, recurring surveys, and rich media integrations, SurveySparrow brings a new level of personalization and interactivity to your data collection process, increasing response rates by 40%.


Variety of Questions:SurveySparrow supports many kinds of questions, which means it can be used for different types of surveys.
Conditional Logic:Depending on previous answers, SurveySparrow can change the following questions. This keeps people interested and makes them less likely to quit the survey.
Recurring Surveys:SurveySparrow can automatically send out surveys at regular intervals, which can save a lot of time.
Integration Capabilities:SurveySparrow can work together with many other tools smoothly, making the experience better for users.
Conversational Interface:SurveySparrow feels like a one-on-one conversation, which can make taking surveys more enjoyable.


Cons of TypePad as a Blogging Platform Cost:While it offers a free basic plan, some of the advanced features come with a cost.
Cons of TypePad as a Blogging Platform Learning Curve:Due to its array of features, newcomers may need some time to familiarize themselves with the platform

Listed below is a comparison of the features available for the 9 best quiz/survey tools in the free plan or trial period:

  mTouch Quiz
WP Survey & Quiz Tool SurveyMonkey GoogleForms SurveyGizmo ProProfs SurveySparrow
Unlimited Unlimited 10 255 Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Unlimited Unlimited 100/survey 200,000 250 Survey: 50; Quiz: Unlimited Unlimited
1 3 15 6 23 6-14 28
No. of
surveys or
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Limited (50 only) unlimited
quiz/survey tools to engage leads
Embed Survey/
Quiz on webpage
Send Email quiz/survey tools to engage leads
Export to
Word Doc/PDF
quiz/survey tools to engage leads quiz/survey tools to engage leads quiz/survey tools to engage leads
with social networks (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
quiz/survey tools to engage leads quiz/survey tools to engage leads
(Only with

add-ons or plugins)
Free tool Free tool Free plan Free tool 14-day trial 7-day trial

Pick the one that works for you, and launch a quiz or survey that is relevant for your audience! Share your ideas on what quizzes and surveys you think will work.


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