Think Beyond Old-school Banking CRMs

Finally, a sales execution platform that enhances your teams’ productivity, not eats into it

Retail Banking

For Retail Banking

Earn customer loyalty every step of the way. Create personalized engagement journeys & provide a consistent experience at each touch point, across channels and on every device.

Debt Recovery

For Debt Recovery

LeadSquared’s Collections CRM for debt recovery empowers your teams to track and follow-up with defaulters efficiently, predict debt recovery chances and enable faster collections.

Enabling digital transformation for 2000+ customers worldwide

LeadSquared Insurance customers

Popular resources

Checkout these latest resources

Top CRMNext Alternatives

Top 9 CRMNext Alternatives in 2024

Discover the top 9 CRMNext alternatives specifically designed for financial institutions. Click here to find the perfect fit to optimize interactions and fuel growth.
Benefits of Marketing Automation in Financial Service

7 Benefits of Marketing Automation in Financial Services 

Marketing automation helps financial institutions achieve customer engagement, faster lead gen & higher conversion rates. Explore more about it in this article.
Conversational CX

Conversational CX: The key to acing the financial services world

Customer experience is everything today. Irrespective of how diverse products and solutions are, customer experience is a key differentiating factor from competitors.

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