Best Cold calling scripts

A question that haunts many – “is cold calling still effective?


  • Cold calling is 5 to 10 times more effective than email campaigns.
  • Organizations that don’t incorporate cold calling in their sales process experience 42% lesser growth.
  • 82% of buyers agree to meet with sales reps who interact with them through cold calls.

The above statistics show that cold calls are indeed effective. But what exactly classifies as a cold call?

What is cold calling?

“A sales method during which a salesman calls people that haven’t indicated an interest in their products. Cold calling is typically related to phone or telemarketing solicitation. But it can also consist of in-person contact, including door-to-door sales.”

Cold calls are notorious for being the most disliked aspect of a sales rep’s day. Many question the necessity of cold calling and its relevance in present times. But most of us tend to forget that cold calls are incredibly effective when done correctly.

When is the best time to make cold calls?

Let’s deal with this question with an example. Sales rep A has been calling a client every Monday and receives no response. In contrast, sales rep B has been calling the same client every Wednesday. Sales rep B manages to receive confirmation for a demo meeting in the coming week.

Now, most of us realize that the only variable that changes is the weekday. You may think the day and time for the phone call is inconsequential, but it makes a significant difference. The best time to schedule cold calls is between 4:00-6:00 p.m. on a Wednesday or Thursday. Conversely, the worst time to call is between 6:00 a.m. and noon on a Monday.

Cold calling requires an impressive amount of grit and patience to succeed. But they also provide some of the best training for newly onboarded sales reps. Here are some of the most effective cold calling scripts to help boost your sales.

25 Best Cold Calling Scripts

You can also download the cold calling scripts template  to share with your friends or refer to later.

1. The Introductory Cold Calling Scripts

The greatest impediment to most conversations is the inability to listen attentively. Customers rarely feel heard when conversing with sales reps. 95% of customers say the average sales rep talks too much. 74% of consumers also state they would be more inclined to buy if the salesperson listened to them. 

Script 1:

Sales reps face a lot of rejections during cold calls. People hanging up on you can be disheartening. But this is how you find people who’d be genuinely interested in your product/service. However, if the prospect says they are busy, respect their time and ask for a suitable time to communicate further. You can practice the following script:

You: Hello, my name is Dan, and I’m with the Sales Institute. Is this a good time to call? 

Mary: No, I’m busy right now.

You: Oh, alright, thank you for letting me know. Is there a better time to call?

Mary: Yes, call me at 2 tomorrow.

You: Sure, I’ll catch up with you then, have a nice day!

Note that you’ve just committed to calling the person at a specific time and date. So, you must set a reminder for that. 

But imagine if you call tens of prospects every day and most of them ask you to call later. How do you manage the reminders and, more importantly, context? 

To resolve this challenge, you must use CRM software that lets you enter the call disposition easily. For instance, LeadSquared lets you do it while calling itself. The software also sends automated reminders and notifications for the follow-up calls so that you don’t miss the chance to converse with the prospects. 

Script 2:

Be prepared if the prospect is ready to talk.

A tip here is, whenever you call your prospect, ask if they’re doing okay. It gives you more context into their mind space, and you can assess if it’s a good time to talk. Calls that incorporated the phrase “How have you been?” had a 6.6 times higher success rate than a cold call without it. Use the following script on your next cold call.

You: Hi, I’m Dan, and I’m with Sales Institute. Is this a good time to talk?

Mary: Yes, go ahead. 

You: How have you been? We at Sales Institute offer an array of sales solutions that enables reps to sell remotely worldwide. Is that something you’d like to know more about?

Mary: Sure, that sounds interesting.

You: Your remote sales staff can effortlessly connect with a customer within Sales Institute. Our solution helps replicate the in-person sales journey. We offer capabilities like co-browsing, video calls, documentation, and e-signing. Are you currently facing any issues related to selling effectively? 

Mary: Yes, we’re a growing team which makes connectivity increasingly challenging. I’d like to know more. 

Once your prospect responds with a yes, you can enquire further if they use a competitor’s product. If they’re satisfied with their current product, move on. If not, try to negotiate for a demo and follow up soon after.

2. Establishing Connection

If you have the time to spare, look into your prospect’s social profiles. For instance, LinkedIn. Find out what groups they belong to and join them if possible. If you’re already in the same group as them, even better. When you start a cold call with “I understand we’re members of the same LinkedIn group.” Your chances of getting an appointment/meeting increase by 70%. Anything you have in common with your prospect is a conversation starter. Follow this script during these situations.

Script 3:

You: Hi Mary, is this a good time to talk?

Mary: Umm, yes.

You: I’m Dan with ABC Company, and we sell tools to help boost productivity levels. I noticed that we’re members of the same LinkedIn group. I saw your latest post on how employees feel higher levels of stress when working from home. Our mission is to reduce such issues and increase productivity. Would you like to know more? 

Mary: Yes, tell me more/ Yes, I’d like to schedule a call when I have more time to spare.

You: Great! [Insert sales pitch and ask questions about the specific challenges they face. Offer solutions that help overcome their challenges]. Let me know what time works for you and, I can schedule a demo.

Mary: How about tomorrow evening?

You: Sure, Thank you for your time. I hope we’ve been able to help take some of that stress off your mind. Have a great day!

Doing the slightest amount of research about the person on the other end can give you an added edge. So, next time, look out for your prospect on social media before calling. 

Another great way to establish a connection with your prospect is to utilize the recent news.

A promotion, product launch, investment, and others all give you the chance to sell. Even if you don’t make a sale, it is a form of ingratiation which can impact your follow-up calls. Ingratiation is the process of making yourself appear more likable to influence decisions.

 Every salesperson uses some or other ingratiation techniques while selling. So, when your customer gets great news, congratulate them on their accomplishment. Use this script in these scenarios. 

Script 4:

You: Hey Mary! Congratulations on your promotion! I found out about your achievement on LinkedIn and was happy to see your post. I also noticed that you would greatly benefit from our XYZ product and increase revenue on your end. Let me know if you’re interested in getting a demo or free trial. We’d love to have you on our list of accomplished customers, which includes A, B, and C companies in your industry. 

Mary: Thank you, but I’m not interested. / Thank you and sure let’s schedule a demo on Tuesday at 4:00 PM. 

You: No issues have a nice day, congrats again! / Great! I’ll see you then. 

The selling point of the above script is the attention to detail. You know they recently accomplished something, and you know what can make that better. Mentioning customer names of companies within the same industry adds social proof. The best part is that you know when to stop. However, ingratiation can cause more harm than good if you overdo it and seem pushy or distasteful.

You can also download the cold calling scripts pdf to share with your friends or refer to later.

3. Researching Before Calling

A prospect’s company website can give you the perfect conversation starter. It can help you gauge their company’s needs and offerings. If you can spot areas of improvement that your product can help with, you can even personalize your offer. For instance, follow this script to effortlessly sell to a prospect.

Script 5:

You: Hey Mary! I came across your company’s website and was thoroughly impressed by its design. But I also noticed that you aren’t using any e-signing tool, is there any reason for that?

Mary: Yeah, we don’t have the funds for many of the tools in the market and, I don’t think it’s of any significance.

You: I understand. What if I told you that there was an inexpensive and increasingly important option? 

Mary: Okay, tell me more about it. 

You: XYZ is an e-signing tool that offers both free and paid versions for e-signing. Do you and your customers prefer signing documents by hand at all times?

Mary: I prefer signing documents by hand. But I do have several clients who predominantly use e-signing apps. 

You: I see, wouldn’t it be better if you had both options rather than just one? That way, you can ensure that your clients and you can choose to pick what you prefer. Especially when we do offer free trials, and the paid version’s rates are negotiable. 

Mary: That’s true. I’d like to know more about your product before making any decision though. 

You: Sure, can I book an appointment with you for tomorrow at 4:00 PM?

Mary: Yes, works.

You: Awesome! I’ll add you to my schedule. Talk to you then! Bye, Take care. 

The selling point of this script is the line where you ask about their customer preferences. The more questions you ask about their company, the better you’ll be able to help them. The second aspect that persuades the buyer is the fact that you aren’t trying to make them change their mind. Instead, you’re offering different options while respecting their preferences. If you tried convincing them against manual documentation, you’d push them away. By accepting their needs, you gain their respect as well. 

4. Speaking the Prospect’s Language

When you’re selling to your prospect, try to personalize the offer as much as possible. Personalization can be something as minor as speaking in their mother tongue. If possible, use a CRM or tool that helps distribute leads to your reps according to your chosen criteria. Be it language, region, institution, or workplace, try to match at least some of their attributes. 

A simple analogy to explain why this works is friendship. Most of us bond over similarities and feel connected to friends who share the same likes and beliefs. We recommend shows and receive recommendations that we watch and have conversations about. Follow this script when you’re cold calling people you share similarities with. 

Script 6:

You: Hey Mary! How are you? I realized that we’re both from Mizoram. Would you prefer if I speak in Mizo or English?

Mary: Oh, Mizo would be okay.

You: Great! I was wondering if your company used ABC products? I thought you’d benefit from the ABC product because your company sells XYZ products. ABC can help increase the efficiency of XYZ when you use it online.

Mary: Oh, okay, I’d like to know more about ABC’s features.

You: Sure! I can schedule a demo or, you can take a free trial of ABC to gain an understanding of our product.

Mary: I’ll take the trial/demo.

You: Awesome! I’ll share the details with you, have a great day. 

Any conversation in our mother tongue is more comfortable than a second language. It creates a sense of cultural connectivity and deepens a sense of togetherness. Most sales reps struggle to get past the “us against them” phenomenon. But talking in one’s mother tongue can make you far more approachable and less threatening. It breaks down many barriers and makes it far easier to sell.

5. Cold Calling Script That Uses Referrals

A simple method to gain your prospect’s time is by mentioning a friend. Most people feel less annoyed when they find out you’re calling them through a friend. Keeping the friend as the point of contact ensures that they feel at ease during and after the conversation. It gives them a reason to trust you and increases the level of persuasion. The following script is a fairly straightforward pitch that uses the benefit of having a referral. 

Script 7:

You: Hi Mary! How’ve you been? James told me about your company and the amazing product you’re selling. I wanted to know if your product could boost revenue using our XYZ product. Our ABC feature can help track your growing client base in an efficient and organized way. Are you currently facing any challenges regarding customer behavior tracking?

Mary: We don’t have any specific system in place that does that. So, I’m not entirely sure about it.

You: That’s completely fine, no worries. I’ll explain the features and benefits of installing such a system. (Explain and insert your product pitch here.) Our customers also include companies D, E, and F. If you want further information, you can reach out to James. He’ll fill you in on how his company benefitted from using our product. 

Mary: Sure, I’ll look into it.

This template does multiple things well. The first being the fact that you have brought up a mutual friend in the introduction. Second, you have given examples of organizations that are your current customers. Finally, you’ve brought up the friend as a point of contact if the prospect wants more advice. 

6. Follow-up Scripts

Let’s look at an analogy that works along the same lines as follow-up calls. If you listen to a song on the radio randomly, you may forget it soon enough if it wasn’t your style. But this changes if you hear it multiple times, and by the 6th or 7th time you listen, you’re hooked to the song. 

This method of increasing familiarity derives from what’s known as the Wundt curve. This means a pleasurable stimulus becomes more gratifying as it becomes more familiar. You can apply the same theory to follow-up calls, the more familiar you sound, the better the chances of conversation to go well. Use this script for your next follow-up call. 

Script 8:

You: Hi Mary. Dan here. How are you doing? I was wondering if we could continue our previous conversation about XYZ if you’re up for it right now? 

Mary: No, I’m busy.

You: I understand that you’re busy, but I’d genuinely like to help you get a great deal. If you don’t ever listen to it, you won’t know what you’re missing. It’ll take approximately 37 seconds and, I’ve timed myself because I know you’re a busy person. 

Mary: Next week, probably.

You: Sure. Thanks for your time, Mary.

If the prospect is willing to talk further, you can continue with your pitch and thank them for their time.

Why does this follow-up cold calling script work?

First, you’ve established a train of thought by connecting this call to previous calls. Second, you’ve shown your effort and respect for the prospect by saying that you timed your pitch. Finally, you know to take a hint. The other aspect of the Wundt curve from above is the fact that every song has its limit. So don’t worry if this tune doesn’t work for them. It will work when you talk to someone with better taste ;). 

Reminding your customer of a previous conversation is another great way to follow up. After the first call ends, take notes and continue taking notes for every subsequent call. The more notes you take the more topics you have for the conversation. And it shows the buyer that you’re listening to their needs and making an effort to meet them. 

Script 9:

You: Mary! How has [the day] been treating you? Have you gotten through to your manager about the XYZ file you needed? I hope you did because I have the best deal for you right now and it would be great if you were free.

Mary: Oh yes, I finally got the file. I’m free for a quick call.

You: [Insert Your Pitch]

If the prospect says no, you can follow the below script.

Script 10:

You: Oh, that’s too bad I had a personalized offer in line for you but, I don’t want to interrupt you during work. Is there a better time to talk? Or can we talk now?

Mary: We can talk now/Call me at this time.

You: Sounds great!

This template shows your enthusiasm and perseverance to the prospect. Most of us are prone to the reciprocity effect and, this works wonderfully in this scenario. By showing your prospect that you’re putting the effort to meet them at their convenience. You create the need for them to respond with the same effort or at least acknowledge your diligence. 

7. Probing the Prospect’s Pain Points

Making a pitch on the first call rarely takes your prospect’s needs into account. The fundamental reason to follow-up is to pitch your product/service once you’re aware of their challenges. That way you can personalize your pitch for the follow-up call and sell more confidently. For this, you must ask the prospect several questions and assess their pain points in your first few calls. Follow this script for your next call and follow up after you get the precise information.

Script 11:

You: Hey Mary! How’re you doing? I’m XYZ for ABC company and, I’m calling to understand whether we can help your company with the JEF area. Your product feels like the perfect fit for some of our solutions. But I’d first like to know what challenges you face on a day-to-day basis. Even if you don’t face any pressing issues, give me an idea of a day in your life at work. 

Mary: Sure. We face issues in areas A, B, and C on most days/A day in my life at work consists of….

You: Alright. Can you give examples of how your products have helped overcome A, B, and C challenges? 

Listen attentively and ask more questions, and try to find an area that could use your product.

Once you gather sufficient information, draw up an irresistible deal. Then schedule a meeting or make your pitch on call. Use this script once you reach this point.

Script 12:

You: Hey Mary. After our first few calls, I found the perfect solution for your needs. [Insert product pitch with personalized solutions.] This deal is completely customized to help you overcome A, B, and C challenges, and you won’t find it elsewhere. Do you have any other questions for me? Can we schedule a demo or trial meeting when you’re free? 

Mary: Sure, let’s schedule a meeting. /Can I get back to you in some time?

You: Great! Does this time work? / Yes, of course, I’ll schedule once you’re ready.

The above pitch is hyper-personalized to your prospect’s needs. It’s an offer only you have given, which makes it all the more difficult to resist. It’s based on the scarcity technique, which puts pressure on buyers to purchase because the product is in limited supply. This isn’t a generic pitch and, we tend to place more value on rare things. You can rest assured that even if they don’t buy, you’ve done your level best in trying to convince them to do so.

You can also download the cold calling scripts pdf to share with your friends or refer to later.

8. Offering a Benefit

The easiest way to keep a prospect engaged is by giving them content when calling. If you find an article, eBook, video, or whitepaper that relates to your prospect’s interest, send it. Even better, if your company has a content team, get pieces that will help develop an interest in the product and is informative for your lead. You can send it across during a call or before and then follow up on the content you’ve sent. Use this script when you have relevant, specific content for your prospect.

Script 13:

You: Hi Mary. I found this exciting article about social selling and, it gives research-backed insights for winning customers in remote sales. Your latest post on LinkedIn is fully answered by this blog post and, I thought of you when I spotted it.

Mary: Wow, yes, do send it across on my email. I’ll read it when I find the time.

You: Sure, it’s on its way to your inbox, have a great day!

Note, if they say that they’re not interested, don’t push them for it. Remember, your goal from that phone call was to establish a connection by helping the prospect with something relevant. 

However, if they seem interested in your offering, follow up after some time. You can continue the conversation using the following script.

Script 14: 

You: Hey Mary! Have you had the chance to skim through the article? 

Mary: No, not yet. / Yes! It was truly informative and, I got some clarity in terms of overcoming some issues at work. / Yes, but it didn’t relate to me as much as I expected.

You: Oh, that’s alright. I’ll give you a call when you do. / I’m glad it was helpful. Would you like to schedule an appointment and discuss further? / Oh, I understand. What exactly do you think was not related to your company? 

In this manner, you can help increase interest and interactions that draw you closer to making a sale. Content can help initiate conversations so, try creating your own to help push a lead down the sales funnel faster. 

9. Establishing Trust

Look back at every advertisement about toothpaste and, the repeated word is “Expert.” Expert sources evoke deeper processing of persuasive messages than nonexpert sources. If an expert endorses a product or service, it’s bound to be good. It gives your product credibility and social proof, which can help improve conversions. Use the expert opinion in your next call with this template. 

Script 15:

You: Hey Mary! How are you today? I wanted to reach out to you and connect you to the experts on our ABC team. They stated that the XYZ tool you’re currently operating is out of use in most upcoming agencies. There’s further research showing data [Insert relevant datapoints] against the use of XYZ. They found it reduced productivity and creativity levels. Would you like to see the research paper/ speak to the experts?

Mary: Is that true? Can you connect me to the members of your ABC team? I’d like to know more. / I don’t have time for a call but do send the research paper across.

If they say yes, use the following script.

Script 16:

You: Of course, 000-000-000 are their contact details. You can reach out to them between these hours. 

Mary: Thank you. 


You: Sure, I’ve mailed the research paper to your ID. Let me know if you’d like for me to schedule a call after?

Mary: Yes, I’m free at 2:00 PM tomorrow. 

You: My pleasure! Great! I’ll schedule a meeting with one of the members of the ABC as well. You can ask them queries about the technical aspects of the product. 

The clear call-to-action and research make this a great template. The paper itself provides strong credibility to your expert opinion. Any relevant statistics, data, or research publication that merits your product is vital in a pitch. 

10. Raising Curiosity

Imagine this, I take you to my favorite cafe, and we’re perusing the menu. As a first-time diner, you’ll want my recommendations and typically order what I say is good. Whereas, I’m a regular customer who has had the chance to taste different desserts. I realize that there’s a new dessert option on the menu and order it instantly because I’ve never tried it before. 

You can apply this word across industries and notice that “new” adds novelty and interest. What’s more interesting about this is that it works best on those you’ve called before. Telling someone about a “new” feature on the first call carries little to no impact. The product itself will likely be new to them unless they’re using a competing product. The newness strategy only works if your prospect knows about your product/service. Use this template when you launch a new feature or offer new products. 

Script 17: 

You: Hey Mary! We just launched the XYZ feature. I wanted to let you know first because you’ve mentioned this feature in passing. Would you like to know more about XYZ right away, or should I schedule a meeting?

Mary: Sure, tell me more. / I’d prefer a meeting scheduled in the evening today. / I’m not interested in the XYZ feature.

If the prospect says they’re interested, you can either schedule a meeting or pitch your product/service during the call. However, if they say no, use the following script:

Script 18: 

You: Are you sure Mary? This feature can help you overcome ABC challenges at a rapid rate. We’re one of the few organizations to offer the XYZ feature.

Mary: Okay, I’ll think about it, and we can talk when I’m free. 

You: Sure, take your time! Do let me know when I should call. 

If they say that they’re still not interested, just thank them for their time and reach out to them on some other occasion. 

The above script works because not only have you given them the first call, but you’ve also known that they mentioned this feature. This pitch has great chances for conversion due to the novelty and call to action. 

Now, let’s look at another way to raise buyers’ curiosity during the cold call. 

One of the most dreamy and persuasive words is the word “imagine.” 

The word imagine makes us react due to what’s known as mirror neurons. We don’t need to personally experience something to feel it because of mirror neurons. And if you can get people to feel something, you can get them to act. So, on your next call, draw the prospect in with your imaginary scenario to make a sale. 

Script 19:

You: Hi Mary! How’ve you been? I recently came across a post about how different things would be if we didn’t have cell phones. Imagine how difficult life would be without this small communication device for people worldwide. Our product ensures that you’ll never have to live without it in reality. If you’re free sometime, would you like to schedule a call to see how our product can make a difference?

Mary: Sure, call at 5:00 PM today.

You: Great, see you then. 

This script gives you the opportunity to show what the prospect is missing in their lives. It pushes them to process how your product could help improve their day. 

You can also download the cold calling scripts pdf to share with your friends or refer to later.

11. Offering Freebies

Any discount, free feature, a free trial can cause much faster conversions. Dan Ariely’s book Predictably Irrational gives a great explanation for this thought process. He examined the purchasing habits by making a group choose between chocolates. The first was Lindt truffles priced at 15 cents each and a Hershey’s kiss at 1 cent.

A majority chose the truffles due to their taste and significantly discounted price. But when he lowered the cost of both chocolates by 1 cent, Hershey’s kisses became free of cost. And guess what? Suddenly 69% of the participants chose Hershey’s kiss over Lindt for one simple reason. Free is exactly that, free. So, whenever you can give something for free, even if it doesn’t feel significant, do it. Use this script in these scenarios.

Script 20:

You: Hey Mary! How’ve you been? I’m calling to tell you about our new free trial opportunity for this month. I can send the link to you right now if you’d like? 

Mary: Sure, send it across.

If you’re wondering why we haven’t given a script for when they say no, it’s only because there’s a high chance they won’t. If they do say no, enquire as to why. And if there’s no reason other than that they won’t use it, move on. 

12. Voicemail Sales Scripts

Voicemails are inevitable when you’re a salesperson. There is a direct increase in response depending on the number of voicemails. Research shows that your chances of receiving a call back increase by 10% per voicemail. And another ZoomInfo paper found that leaving a single voicemail has a meager 4.8% call back rate. So, leave an average of 3 voicemails. If you do get a callback, you’ll know it was worth it. Try this voicemail sales script next time.

Script 21:

“Hi, Mary. This is Dan from XYZ company. I was hoping to talk to you today about our ABC products. I saw that you signed up for a free trial, and I was wondering if you needed help with setting up your account? Let me know, and I’d love to help. You can reach me on the same number or send a mail at”

This simple but short and sweet voicemail conveys your intentions perfectly. It’s a great conversation opener and gives them a chance to reach you on different platforms.

If your prospect has already spoken to you in the past but you haven’t gotten a response, follow up. If they aren’t able to answer your call immediately, that’s fine, follow up over voicemail. Follow-up calls are essential to closing most deals. Most buyers don’t have time when you call, but this doesn’t mean they aren’t interested. If you know that your product can make a difference, persistence is key. Let’s look at some data related to follow-ups.

  • Customers reject pitches four times before accepting them, 
  • And 80 percent of purchases require five follow-up calls.
  • 93% of leads that get converted do so after six cold calls. 

So, ensure that you follow up even if it’s over a voicemail. Use this script when following over voicemails.

Script 22:

“Hi, Mary! We spoke about ABC last week and thought I’d see if now was a good time to reach out. To refresh your memory, we explored how the XYZ feature can help you accomplish your Q3 sales goals. I’d be happy to demonstrate how you can get these results.
Are you interested in a call to learn more?”

This follow-up voicemail script gives your prospect a good reason to respond and helps you get on a call when they listen to you.

13. Getting Past the Gatekeeper

So far, we’ve mainly spoken about different scripts that can entice the listener. But what if you haven’t gotten the contact details of the decision-maker who you need to make a sale. You may have the email address of their assistant, marketing team, or PR team. All of which can help you reach the right person if you can get past them. If you’re wondering how to do this, follow this script.

Script 23:

“Hello, I’m Dan with XYZ company. I was hoping you could assist me. I checked your company’s LinkedIn profile for your name but couldn’t find it. Are you the one who generally answers the phone? Before I asked for your guidance, I’d feel a lot better if I knew your name.”

Once you get the gatekeeper’s name, express your many thanks for their assistance. Ask them how they think you can approach the decision-maker and what would be the appropriate time to do it. This is a common hurdle, and you can effortlessly move past it if you’re cordial and appreciative.

14. Cold Calling Scripts to Handle Rejections

A common way of rejecting a sales rep is by stating that one has no time to talk. In these scenarios, you can do one of the two things. 

  1. Persist and try to get some time but continue to drag the conversation.
  2. Give them a deadline and move on if they’re unable to meet them.

Here’s how you can try to keep the conversation going.

Script 24:

You: I understand this may not be your top priority right now. Or perhaps you don’t see the value. Still, I request two minutes of your time, and I promise you’ll be clear on whether or not this is a good use of your time. Many of our customers had similar objections. But when they saw our product’s capabilities in action, they were thrilled.

If you’ve always called the person over six times, it’s better to move on. There’s no point in trying to continue on a path that takes you nowhere. Instead, give them a final offer, and if they’re still not interested, you can call the next lead on your CRM.

However, be polite during the conversation. After all, it was you who called them (multiple times maybe) to know their interest in your product or service. You can use the following script to get a decisive answer from your prospect.

Script 25:

You: Hey Mary! I wanted to know if you were still interested in our offer as my boss has been asking for updates. But I haven’t given her any for a week now, and I thought it would be best to ask you what you’d like me to do as our next step. 

Mary: I’d like to schedule a demo. / I’m not interested in the offer.

According to their answer, you can plan your next move. Also, watch Dan Lok’s techniques to handle rejections while cold calling.

I hope the above scripts help you converse better with your prospects. Before we wrap up, I would like to share a few points to make your every single cold call effective.

You can also download the cold calling scripts pdf to share with your friends or refer to later.

4 Effective cold calling tips

When you’re making cold calls for the first time, you’re bound to make mistakes, and that’s okay. But don’t go into it blindly because it’s your first time. Look into some of the best tips and tricks to a great cold call. Some practices that are a must-do are among the following: 

  • Make use of scripts but remember to be yourself on these calls. There is no need to speak robotically or like you’re reading a script, be natural and confident.

  • Listen at all times. Even the most trivial information can make or break your sale.

  • Offer solutions that solve their specific problems if possible. Generic products are less appealing when compared to personalized ones. 

  • And finally, track, record, and follow-up on prospects persistently.

The greatest lesson to learn from this article is to follow up until you’re sure it’s going nowhere. Prioritize leads, track their activities, and reach out consistently. Cold calling consists of lead nurturing and pushing for prospects to act immediately. And you need a system that can help you do this efficiently over long periods. Invest in call center CRM software that helps you qualify, track and report call center KPIs, and engage your leads. If you’re looking for a CRM that can do these things, try LeadSquared. Its robust lead qualification and tracking abilities ensure that there’s zero lead leakage.

More in this series:

15 Highly Effective Customer Service Scripts to Practice 


How do you start a cold call script?

A cold call opening may make or break your sales deals! Salespeople need to keep the opening line short, direct, and of value to their customers.

Here’s an example:
“Hey Mary! I came across your company’s website and was thoroughly impressed by its design. But I also noticed that you aren’t using any e-signing tool. Is there any reason for that?”

How can salespeople structure their cold calling script?

A well-structured cold call includes:
1. An impactful opening line.
2. A quick yet effective pitch and qualifying questions.
3. Objection handling
4. Social proof and the results that the user can achieve with the product.
5. A strong CTA that builds the foundation for the next interaction.

Which businesses benefit from cold calling?

Cold calling is an effective tool for both B2B and B2C SMBs and enterprises. It’s known to deliver great results in the following industries:
1. EdTech
2. Education
3. Finance
4. FinTech
5. Legal Services
7. Real Estate

How long should effective cold call scripts be?

Your user won’t appreciate lengthy calls that interrupt their work for the day. This makes the cold call’s first 80s or 200 words extremely crucial. But calls that result in another meeting or a follow-up can fall in the 7-15 minutes range.

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